Mahou Mating

Mahou Mating

Mahou Mating – Magic powers of mind control. Now you have these magic powers and are going to use them. These two hot babes with powers happened to be in the street fighting. They didn’t mean to, but somehow you endded up getting some of those powers. What you then do with them is – contol the chicks and make them suck your dick and spread their legs. Enjoy your new powers.

MOB Academy Ylasse V.13

MOB Academy Ylasse V.13

MOB Academy Ylasse V.13 – This is Ylasse, she is the first person you meet upon entering the Guildsworn Academy. This is your first day and this girl is the first person you meet and she is quite crazy. She starts off by insulting you. And then she mocks you with her friends. But in this academy, you learn to be a fighting champion and you gain respect and in the end, you throw down a lot of cock and she spreads her legs for you. Enjoy the victory.